The Components Needed for your bionic finger

The Expansion board and its Arduino Nano

This the main control centre to run and store your code, your code will need to read onto the nano from an online software. Click here for the Arduino Nano.

3D printed fingers

See reference image down below, there are 3 basic parts each with two holes and joints to easily assemble the finger. Alternatives to 3D printing include straws where you can cut the joints by hand.

Micro Servo

The key component in providing movement to the finger through a small electronic motor fitted with a blades,it can be coded at angles ranging from 0-180 degrees. This can be purchased from here

Connector cable

This connects your Arduino to your computer so the code can upload onto the Arduino from your computer. Get from here

The Arduino wires

This connects the flex sensor to the Arduino and expansion board. They can be purchased from here

Flex Sensor

This is another important component. The sensor is connected to the glove which went bent will trigger the sensor and send the angle to the servo. Click here to purchase.

9 Volt battery and a battery snap

This connects to the 9 volt battery and the Arduino to provide power to the circuit without the use of the USB cable. Found here

Fishing wire or string material

This attaches to the servo motor so when the Flexi-sensor is moved, the string will mimic these movements through the servo. Can be found at a variety of stores.

Wooden plank around 7cm x 25cm

Provides a base for the finger and all components labelled above and below will be attached.

Clear acrylic sheet

Placed between the grooves of the finger to act as a joint when bent. Can get from craft stores such as Officeworks

Hot glue and hot glue gun

Used to permanently stick components onto the piece of wood. It can be bought from craft stores.

Plastic Glove

Used to stick the flexisensor onto, your hand will eventually fit into the glove so it can move the printed finger.